UPDATE: Der für den 10.2. geplante Infotag für Studieninteressierte muss wegen des Bogestra-Streiks an diesem Tag verschoben werden. Daher findet auch der Workshop "Clean Girl 101: Beauty and Body Norms in Social Media – A Dive into American Studies" von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Heike Steinhoff und Mona Rosenberg nicht statt.
Sobald der neue Termin feststeht, wird er hier angekündigt.
"From body shaming to body positivity, social media is central to how we feel, think, and live our bodies and how we relate to those of others. Trends such as the clean girl aesthetic demonstrate that beauty standards are everywhere in digital media. But what is beauty and what kind of bodies are considered beautiful? And what does all of this have to do with studying English and American Studies?
Cultural studies scholars emphasize that beauty and body ideals are not fixed - they are shaped by cultural, historical, and social contexts. In this workshop for high-school students, we will explore beauty ideals in contemporary digital media from the perspective of American Cultural Studies. We will explore whose bodies are positioned as beautiful or “normal” in American media culture and how this is deeply intertwined with historically contingent systems of gender, race, class, age, sexuality, and body size.
The workshop offers its participants a unique chance to experience a university setting, get a first insight into American Cultural Studies (as part of the study program Anglistik/Amerikanistik), and engage with a topic that affects us all in our everyday lives."
UPDATE: Der für den 10.2. geplante Infotag für Studieninteressierte muss wegen des Bogestra-Streiks an diesem Tag verschoben werden. Daher findet auch der Workshop "Clean Girl 101: Beauty and Body Norms in Social Media – A Dive into American Studies" von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Heike Steinhoff und Mona Rosenberg nicht statt.
Sobald der neue Termin feststeht, wird er hier angekündigt.
"From body shaming to body positivity, social media is central to how we feel, think, and live our bodies and how we relate to those of others. Trends such as the clean girl aesthetic demonstrate that beauty standards are everywhere in digital media. But what is beauty and what kind of bodies are considered beautiful? And what does all of this have to do with studying English and American Studies?
Cultural studies scholars emphasize that beauty and body ideals are not fixed - they are shaped by cultural, historical, and social contexts. In this workshop for high-school students, we will explore beauty ideals in contemporary digital media from the perspective of American Cultural Studies. We will explore whose bodies are positioned as beautiful or “normal” in American media culture and how this is deeply intertwined with historically contingent systems of gender, race, class, age, sexuality, and body size.
The workshop offers its participants a unique chance to experience a university setting, get a first insight into American Cultural Studies (as part of the study program Anglistik/Amerikanistik), and engage with a topic that affects us all in our everyday lives."